Animal of Lascaux.

8 Amazing Animals in Art Pictures

Regia Marinho
4 min readAug 14, 2020

How Nostradamus Predicted Animals In Arts. No, Really.


Upper Paleolithic cave painting of aurochs, horses and deer, Lascaux, c. 17,300 years old.

The animal of Lascaux.

The Lascaux Cave is one of the most important caves with Paleolithic features.

In the heart of Perigord, France.

This rock gallery added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, hosts almost 18 000 years old paintings! Discovered by chance in 1940 by a group of teenagers.

The cave is home to many animals, including the Hall of the Bulls.

It shows bisons, goats, horses, deer, cats, a bear or even a reindeer are drawn or carved into the wall with remarkable accuracy.

The cave according to historians was a sacred place and religious sanctuary.

The Rhinoceros (1515), Albrecht Durer.




Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art.