If you do not know yet…
You need to diversify. Why?
Because online platforms change rules anytime without notice. And you can lose what you use to get selling your services or goods.
You can not depend of only one place as source of income.
The strategy is to enter into a new market or industry.
Maybe creating a new product for the exist market or go to a new market.
An artist can sell art for different industries, in different styles or medium, in different platforms, and serving different countries.
It is important to find a way to diversify your ways to make money.
And the way you sell yourself… as a creative.
Is not wise to remain dependent to just one source of income, even more important if you are a freelancer.
You may….
Freelancing or Remote work.
To find freelance clients or a remote job, use this three-step process:
Use the billboard method. Talk about your availability via social media.
Reach out to friends and acquaintances, ask if they know of any opportunities.
Use online job boards.