Gemini AI, Google Wrote About My Digital Painting

Gemini is becoming an art critic, a curator… or an art lover. Carnival Kaleidoscope: A Digital Delight.

Regia Marinho
2 min readFeb 17, 2024
Digital art. 2024 by Regia Marinho.

I ask Gemini AI to write about my above digital art.

The Gemini answer.

Sure, I can now see the image you sent and can write a description based on it.

This vibrant digital artwork depicts a bustling carnival scene, alive with the sights and sounds of celebration.

In the foreground, a group of costumed revelers dance beneath a string of colorful lights. Their expressions are filled with joy and excitement, and their movements are captured with a sense of energy and dynamism. The artist has skillfully used a variety of brushstrokes and textures to create a sense of depth and movement within the figures.

Behind the dancers, we can see glimpses of other carnival attractions, including a towering Ferris wheel, a carousel with its painted horses, and a stall selling brightly colored balloons. The background is awash in a warm, golden light, suggesting the setting sun and the end of a perfect day of…



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art.