Unstuck: Overcoming Obstacles to Progress

How to move forward.

Regia Marinho
2 min readMar 18, 2024

Here are some tips for getting unstuck and moving forward when you feel stuck:

Take a break. Sometimes when we’re stuck, we’ve been hyper-focused on the problem for too long.

Step away, for a walk, or do something relaxing to clear your mind.

You may return with a fresh perspective.

Talk it through. Having a conversation about what’s blocking you, whether with a friend, colleague, or even just out loud to yourself, can provide new insights.

Explaining the situation vocally can trigger new neural pathways.

Break it down.

If a task or problem seems overwhelming, break it into smaller, more manageable steps.

Tackle it piece by piece instead of all at once. Small wins build momentum.

Look at it alternatively.

Consider different approaches or angles to the problem.

Purposely generate as many new perspectives and hypothetical solutions as possible through brainstorming.

An unexpected view may dislodge your thinking.

Change your environment.



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art. https://regiaart.com