Changes are coming even if you don’t feel it.
You can move and change to transform yourself for the better. Or, you wait for other people’s changes that make you very uncomfortable.
Are you doing changes the right way? Follow your intuition.
Changes can find you the love of your life… Because you transform yourself for the better.
Change is good.
When change has an effect that is strong enough to change someone's life…
It’s a life-changing decision/moment.
I can say that change means happiness.
You get in a panic, it’s true, but you win challenges,
You feel free to make mistakes and get it right.
The result is that you feel stronger and more confident.
And at the end, you can say “I’m happy” because I wasn’t a coward.
Change is doing things in a way different than we were used to.
If we do not do that, we will forever remain in the uncomfortable situation we are so used to, things will remain as it is, and we will stay stagnated.