If You Have a “How” You Do Not Need a “Why”

Embrace the How.

Regia Marinho
5 min readMay 18, 2023

“If you have a ‘How,’ you do not need a ‘Why’. — Jerry Satz.

The statement shows a perspective that emphasizes practicality and action over philosophical deliberation.

Midjourney + R. Marinho.

The statement “If you have a ‘How,’ you do not need a ‘Why’ by Jerry Satz, shows a perspective that emphasizes practicality and action over philosophical deliberation.

It suggests that if you possess the means or knowledge to achieve something, the reason or purpose behind it becomes less relevant or unnecessary.

At a surface level, this viewpoint can be useful in certain contexts.

It highlights the importance of taking action and leveraging one’s skills or resources to accomplish a task.

It encourages individuals to focus on problem-solving and finding practical solutions rather than getting caught up in endless deliberation about the underlying reasons or motivations.

In some situations, having a clear “How” can indeed outweigh the need for a detailed “Why.”

Paintings on canvas. (c) R. Marinho.

When an artist goes to make a…



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art. https://regiaart.com