Colors and design by the author.

Presenting The New York Times Front Page In Colors, And Dutch Art

Regia Marinho
2 min readAug 11, 2021


Art doesn’t transform. It just plain forms. ~Roy Lichtenstein

The New York Times Front Page in colors by Regia Marinho.

News and Art. Art and News.

“Imagination is the gateway to anywhere…”

The National Gallery of Canada receiving an amazing gift of Dutch and Flemish prints.

The National Gallery of Canada national collection is receiving more than half of a great print collection owned by Dr. Jonathan Meakins and Dr. Jacqueline McClaran.

The images below are two of them.

Jan van de Velde II after Willem Buytewech, The Four Elements: Air, c. 1622, etching.

Jan van de Velde II after Willem Buytewech, The Four Elements: Air, c. 1622, etching, plate: 18.7 × 28.8 cm; sheet 19.2 × 29.8 cm. Collection of Dr. Jonathan Meakins and Dr. Jacqueline McClaran. Photo: Denis Farley.

Lucas or Jan van Doetechum after Pieter Bruegel I, Soldiers at Rest (Milites Requiescentes), c. 1555–57.



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art.