Three Things You Cannot Recover in Life

The words after they’re said, the moment after it’s missed…

Regia Marinho
3 min readMar 28, 2023

“Three things you cannot recover in life: the words after they are said, the moment after it’s missed, and the time after it’s passing” — Ziad K. Abdelnour.

The quote “Three things you cannot recover in life…

The Words. AI ART 2023.

The Words.

The words after they are said, the moment after it’s missed, and the time after it’s passing” speaks to the idea that once certain things happen in life, they cannot be undone or reclaimed.

It highlights the importance of being mindful and present at the moment, as well as the importance of considering the impact of our words and actions.

The first part of the quote, “the words after they are said,” reminds us that once we have spoken something, we cannot take it back.

Words have the power to hurt or heal, and we must be careful with how we use them.

We should always think before we speak and consider how our words might affect others.

The Moment.



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art.