Understanding and Avoiding Anthropomorphism in Artificial Intelligence AI

What is The Anthropomorphization of AI

Regia Marinho
2 min readNov 29, 2023
AI ART 2023 by MJ + the author.

The anthropomorphization of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms refers to the tendency of people to attribute human-like characteristics, emotions, or intentions to these non-human entities.

It involves treating AI systems as if they have human qualities, behaviors, or consciousness, even though they are essentially computer programs designed to perform specific tasks.

This anthropomorphization can take various forms.

Emotional Attribution

People might ascribe emotions to AI systems, believing they can feel or experience emotions like happiness, sadness, or anger.

For example, referring to an AI as “happy” when it successfully completes a task.


Assigning intentions or motives to AI algorithms, suggests that they have goals or purposes beyond their programmed functions.

This can lead to misconceptions about the AI’s decision-making processes.

Social Interaction

Treating AI as a social being capable of understanding social cues, empathy, or forming relationships.



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art. https://regiaart.com