Unmasking Life: Embracing Your Colorful Truth

You can make a mask of anything. Words and emotions.

Regia Marinho
4 min readSep 3, 2024

Art can be a mask.

Self Portrait by Regia Marinho.

Anything can be used to make a mask

Image created in AI by RegiaArt. 2024

Here’s a simple explanation of the phrase

Anything can be used to make a mask,

Even words and emotions.

This saying means people can hide their true selves or feelings in many ways.

It’s not just about the physical masks you wear on your face.

Instead, it’s talking about how we sometimes hide parts of who we are from others.

For example:
Words can be a mask — saying things we don’t mean. It's common these days.

I’ll stay away from you because you’re not wearing a mask.

Behavior can be a mask — acting differently around certain people

Clothes can be a mask — dressing to fit in or impress others



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art. https://regiaart.com