Volumism: What is the Volumism in Art Movement

Comments on this blue painting.

Regia Marinho
3 min readAug 23, 2024
Real Blue. Acrylic and oil on canvas. Regia Marinho. 2018

Does this painting represent Volumism?

While this artwork shares some characteristics with Volumism, it’s not a clear-cut example of that style.

This piece is a more abstract expressionist, with elements that could be associated with various modern art movements.

Here’s a breakdown of what I observed:

Color Palette: The predominant use of blues and teals, with hints of yellow/gold, creates a depth and atmosphere reminiscent of water or sky.

Texture and Brushwork: There’s a strong emphasis on gestural brushstrokes and textural elements, which is common in abstract expressionism.

Composition: The painting has a sense of movement and flow, with forms that seem to emerge and recede within the space.

Abstraction: While there are hints of organic shapes, the overall composition is non-representational.

Depth: There is some sense of depth and layering, which could relate to Volumism’s interest in three-dimensionality, but it’s not as pronounced as typical Volumist works.

This piece seems to draw from various influences:



Regia Marinho

I write about ideas, technology, the future and inspire the world through art. https://regiaart.com