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What Do They Have In Common?
Language vs country
They are words in the same language. Portuguese.
Today in a chat with friends…a message is a question.
What do they have in common?
In the Portuguese language.
"O que têm em comum?
- abacaxi, mandioca, açaí, paçoca, pipoca;
- capivara, tatu, arara, jacaré-açu, jabuti, perereca;
- Pará, Paraná, Manaus, Sergipe, Maceió;
- Xingu, Xapuri, Ipiranga;
- cipó, capim, jacarandá, samambaia;
- Iracema, Iara, Araci, Jacira, Maiara;
- Araçatuba, Bertioga, Itanhaém, Itaparica, Itaberaba, Paraguaçu, Cuiabá, Niterói, Curitiba, Peruíbe, Pindamonhangaba, Taubaté, Ubatuba, Uberaba, Piracicaba, Piratininga;
- “ficar com nhenhenhém”, “estar jururu”, “ficar de tocaia”, “parecer pamonha”, “estar na pindaíba”, “ir para a cucuia”.
Isso mesmo, você fala tupi e não sabia."
They all are words spoken in the same country and are very popular.
They are words that mostly have no translation.