Web 3.0 is a big concept. It’s a new era of the internet.
Is it the next frontier in social networks? In the near future, we’ll find out.
The internet was from text in 1999 to images to video…
I have been participating since the beginning of web 1.0 to web 2.0 with eBay selling my drawings. Now I see web 3.0 as the possibility of changing the art market and others.
The progress and advancement of web 3.0 bring us to another kind of experience.
A decentralized Internet.
It’s something that we can go to when we need a more emersion zone.
In Web 3.0 you’ll have full control of your data.
The phases of the Internet are:
Web 1.0 — Read-only, companies create and companies profit. Web 1 refers to the period from 1991 to 2004, where the vast majority of Internet users were solely consumers of content. Most websites were static pages that displayed content from the server filesystem rather than a database.
Web 2.0 — Read and write… people create and companies profit. It’s mostly considered to have begun around 2003–2004 and continues to these days. Web 2.0 is based around the idea of “the web as platform”.