We put them on a pedestal.
Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt does exist. In the vastness of the Universe, we are not alone. ~Albert Einstein.
I’ve always been interested in UFOs. ~Steven Spielberg
In 1947, the year that inaugurated the “flying saucer” craze, the young Carl Sagan suspected the “discs” might be alien spaceships.
Days ago a WhatsApp group of friends was discussing UFOs…
Petronio asked me: Régia are you also going to write an essay on UFOs?
Régia também vai escrever um ensaio sobre UFO’s?
UFOs or unidentified flying object seems to be a challenging and tempting subject to write about.
UFOs me parece um assunto desafiante e tentador…kkkk
In Brasilia I participated in a group that wanted to see UFO I think that on a road … I never was.
Em Brasilia eu participei de um grupo que queria ver UFO acho que numa estrada… nunca fui.